16 Is The Font Size Of Wisdom (For Web Design At Least)
The assertion that arts and cultural audiences are getting older and dying out probably reached trope status decades before the word trope entered popular usage. While this may be true and require programming and market positioning that will appeal to younger audiences, there are some very practical experiential considerations for serving older audiences to keep in mind. One of them is web design. Entrepreneur magazine had a guest post by Brian Greenberg discussing some small ...
Persuasion (Conversion) Made Easy
There’s a terrific article from Lyndon Cerejo in the 7/17/2018 edition of Smashing Magazine that examines a very keep it simple approach to persuading website visitors to conversion. Cerejo reviews what he calls the stages of a persuasion funnel: attention, interest, desire, and action …along with how each stage is influenced by: cognitive (thinking), and affective (feeling). All those combinations of elements influence what he calls persuasive design and the related sages site visitors experience ...
Your Contract May Not Provide Cover From Music Covers
Copyright and intellectual properties rights are important considerations in the arts and culture industry. The industry strives to expand the awareness and exposure of creatives, but often either intentionally or inadvertently fall short when it comes to properly compensating creators. Admittedly, knowing your responsibilities when it comes to intellectual property/copyright and contracts in general can be confusing which is why they are subject of a fair number of posts on ArtsHacker. One of those tricky ...
Thank you for the authoritative read on this issue. To me, being able to actually see the icon in the…