Resume Template File Types

Let Someone Else Help You Look Like A Genius

In the wake of Samantha Teter’s ArtsHacker article about what to avoid when creating your resume, it seems fitting to offer up some resources that can let even those with zero design skills put together an effective, and eye-catching, resume. has more than 2,000 resume templates at affordable prices; anywhere from $2-$15 for single templates and $15-$50 for collections. Keep in mind, you want to make sure that any template comes in a file ...


Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me A (Font) Match

For many performing arts orgs, January means you’re knee deep into next season’s design stage and for those of you who do your own design work, finding complementary font combos can become an overwhelming task. Fortunately, we have some terrific resources you can use to keep you on track. A Septet of Typography Combo Tools The design resource center, Creative Market, published an article that lists five different sites dedicated to helping you put together striking ...

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