Does Your State Prohibit Non-Voting Board Directors?
A few years back I made a post addressing the assumption that ex officio positions on a board of directors were automatically non-voting. Spoilers: That is not the case. Apropos to that, I recently became aware of a 2009 law in California that prohibits non-profit organizations from having non-voting directors. I wasn’t aware that such restrictions existed anywhere so check the laws in your state. Thus, a nonprofit corporation may not have non-voting members on ...
Toward Crafting Better Conflict Of Interest Policy And Practice
As the world becomes more connected, rules and regulations governing conflicts of interest associated with geographic boundaries start to lose their relevance. Broader definitions and applications of a board member’s duty to a non-profit are required. This is the view of David O. Renz in an excellent guide on non-profit conflicts of interest on Non-Profit Quarterly. Renz compares the conflict of interest policy of the United States, which is focused narrowly in terms of private ...
Thank you for the authoritative read on this issue. To me, being able to actually see the icon in the…