Legal Considerations For Live Streaming Performances

As live-streaming performances moves from being quickly assembled, impromptu performances organizations were using to keep connected with audiences during Covid-19 quarantine toward being a consistent mode of content delivery for individuals and organizations, there are some important legal issues to consider. Please note, these legal considerations are the same regardless of your motivations. Even if you have live streamed content before without issue, there is likely to be more attention paid and less tolerance exhibited ...

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Arts Admin State Of Employment Poll, Update 2

It’s been one month since we started asking readers to complete a short, two question survey designed to measure how the employment status of arts administrators and independent contractors is being impacted by coronavirus related shutdowns. As of today, just over half of respondents indicate they are still working and being paid at my regular full time or part time status, and that’s great news. A quarter of respondents indicated they are still working but ...

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Guidance On Covid-19 Re-Openings, Even If Only Virtually

If you are looking for advice on best practices for arts and cultural entities once they are allowed to re-open, Downtown Professionals Network (DPN) has created a website specifically focused on this topic called Reopen Main Street.  The advice is broken down by types of business so arts and culture has its own devoted section. Since restrictions on public interactions vary across the country, there is guidance for both live and virtual events. The very ...