We’ve all done it: click here to learn more. But what does “click here” even mean in an age of touchscreens and wearables? Back in the previous century we may have had to be a bit more explicit about how the internet works, but chances are your average patron is no longer using a mouse to interact with you, so isn’t it high time we were a little more creative with our links?
It only takes a small amount of effort to craft copy that focuses on anything but the mechanical action the user is supposedly making. Here are three ways to link different:
1. Link to nouns
We offer education programs for children and adults of all ages.
2. Create a stronger call to action
Tickets for Handel’s Messiah are going fast so get yours today!
3. Be specific
Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus.
In 2016, let’s all resolve to never use “click here” again!