Review: 2023 Nonprofit Technology Conference
In mid-April 2023, your correspondent attended NTEN’s Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC) in Denver, Colorado. This was the first in-person instance of NTEN’s annual conference since 2019 (though this instance kept the hybrid option introduced in 2021). There were reportedly over 2,000 attendees across both options, with over half of us gathered for three days in Denver. This review consists solely of my own opinions and reactions to the conference. In full disclosure, I received a ...
ARTS ADVOCACY ALERT: Don’t Let .ORG Registry Be Sold To A Private Equity Firm #SaveDotOrg
Everyone in this field is likely aware of how important the .ORG domain extension is to nonprofits. And for nearly two decades, decisions regarding how .ORG registrations and renewals are handled have been the purview of the Internet Society (ISOC). This organization is responsible for policy decisions such as registration fees, suspensions, and rights protections. A recent action alert from NTEN highlights a plan by ISOC to sell off the Public Interest Registry to a ...
Thank you for the authoritative read on this issue. To me, being able to actually see the icon in the…